Friday, July 27, 2007

A crib and a carseat.....

In preparation for our home visit, my sister Ashley has graciously allowed us to borrow one of her beautiful cribs as well as an extra car seat she had. We finally picked them up tonight.

It's rather strange to be prepared for something that you can't be prepared for. How do you prepare a child's room when you don't know the age or the gender of the child? There is a huge difference in preparing for a newborn, an infant, or a toddler. However, when the case worker comes out for our home study, they want to see that an effort has been made to prepare a child's room and that what you do have passes inspection. Ok....understood.

So, now we have a crib in pieces in the nursery.....I guess that means that we have to put it together now, right? Looks easy enough.....check back tomorrow to see if my blog post proves that the last statement was true :)

In preparing for all of this, I have wondered how I would explain the sudden appearance of children in our home and in our family to the 3 little ones in my life~ my nieces, Gabriela, Isabela & Maya. I have been so blessed to spend so much time with them over the past 3 - 5 years of their lives and they are a huge part of me. They understand that you carry a baby in your tummy and go to the hospital and have a baby and bring a baby home. They've seen that with the birth of my niece, Samantha. So, how do I explain to them that CC & Uncle are going to have 2 kids, but that CC isn't carrying a baby in her tummy, etc?

Well, tonight, I had such a conversation with Gabriela (age 5).
Gabriela: "CC, why do you need a crib?"
CC: "Well, Mommy's letting me use it at my house"
Gabriela: "For when kids come to visit? You know, CC, when I come over, I don't need to sleep in a crib. I can sleep in your bed with you."
CC: "yes, I know ~ this isn't for you. This is for a baby that CC & Uncle.............
Gabriela: (interupting me before I could finish my sentence) "CC! You're going to have a baby?! It's about time....we need another baby around here."
****of course, my heart sank for a moment, as I thought about the fact that I wouldn't be carrying these children in my belly or giving birth to them. She was so excited.****
CC: "Well, no, Gabriela, I don't have a baby in my tummy......"
****and before I knew it, Gabriela got distracted and the conversation ended.

To be honest, I was relieved. I just didn't really know what to say. I just figured that I would explain it to them, once Michael & I knew who are children were, their ages, names, etc., and maybe show them a picture or two. Maybe it will be easier then.

It's amazing what one little comment can do to shake you...just when you least expect it...even if it did come from the most precious 5 year old I know. As excited and hopeful that Michael & I are about adoption and creating our family the way God intended for us, it still hurts. And I don't think that will ever truly go away. However, while I haven't carried these children of ours in my belly, I have carried them in my heart. And for that, I am truly blessed.

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