Wednesday, September 09, 2009

School Days

I can't begin to tell you how wonderful Maggie's MDO experience has been. She is so excited to go each day. Can't wait to put her backpack on each morning & check out what Momma put in her lunchbag to eat. She woke up yesterday squealing "schoooooool Momma!" Yes, today we are going to school.

Mrs. Vicki has told us that Maggie is doing really well. She's playing well with all the other kids, is listening better, taking a nap every day (although you wouldn't know it from the crankiness that hits an hour or so after getting home!) and eating most of her lunch. She's also trying to go potty with the other kids (they work on potty training!!!!) She hasn't gone yet but is very interested (and that has also increased @ home too) She brings home some piece of artwork/lesson learned each day and we have them all hung up on the wall in her playroom. She is always so excited to show both her momma and daddy. She is talking up a storm! Even in 2 short weeks, her sentence building skills has greatly improved and she'll start using words that she's never used before. Michael & I will just look at each other and say - where did she learn that? It's so neat.

I am so thankful that we were able to get her in and that she is adjusting so well. It's also helped with me leaving the house without her...and when I do get home, there is a much warmer, sweeter welcome awaiting me. Just today, upon returning from my office, she ran up to me, hugged my knees and said "momma back! momma back!" She jumped right into my arms and gave me a big kiss. That hasn't always been the case. In the past, I really think that she was quite upset with me leaving and it could take up to an hour for her to acknowledge that I was back home. So, I am really glad about that :)

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