Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Summers in Houston.....
Posted by Court at 11:05 AM 1 Had Something To Say
Our new best friend....
Yes, we are happy to introduce you to our new best friend, Ryobi. Ryobi has been a life saver over the past few weeks. He has been there just when we've needed him. He's pushed us farther than we ever thought imaginable and hasn't given up on us once. Nothing is too difficult or too small for Ryobi. He really has been a true helper and supporter in all our efforts to childproof our house. There's no telling where we'd be without Ryobi....probably still putting in
Posted by Court at 10:58 AM 0 Had Something To Say
Monday, August 27, 2007
Pictures from our trip
Here are just a few of the pictures that we took while in Hot Springs, Arkansas....Michael took a hold of the camera a little bit (a lot) on this trip. He apparently really likes the clouds! :)
Posted by Court at 3:51 PM 0 Had Something To Say
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Update (Updated with pics 8/28/07)
1. A/C inspection - Completed & Passed
2. Gas Leak inspection - completed & Passed (picture below...this is what we got for $250!)
3. Attic door latch put on (after 3 trips to Home Depot)
4. Dryer vent re-attached & towels dried
5. Childproofed the oven and the refrigerator (doesn't everyone? ha!)
6. Photos downloaded from vacation but not posted yet
7. Vacation over and reality set back in at 5:40am this morning.
Things still to do:
1. Fire Marshall's inspection
2. Return childproofing items to Babies R Us because they are worthless
3. Childproof the cabinets...funny how that one still seems to be on the "to do" list
(do you think this might be the reason why????)
4. Call our agency again for another update.
5. Post pictures of our vacation as well as a few other fun things.
Hope you all have a good night...I'm off to finish the book I started on my vacation :)
Posted by Court at 7:00 PM 0 Had Something To Say
Monday, August 20, 2007
1 for 2....(updated with pics 8/28/07)
The plumber arrived between the hours of 9am - noon (as promised), called 30 minutes before arriving (as promised) and completed the gas leak tests within the time promised. YAY! We passed! (not that we were worried). One thing crossed off my list! I was in the middle of drying some clothes when he arrived, so we stopped the dryer for the test, as he had to get behind the W&D to test the gas line. After he left, I went back in to start the dryer. Fast forward about an hour...I went to get the towels out of the dryer and was taken aback by the heat permeating from the laundry room....what in the world? Well...when my wonderful plumber pulled the dryer out from the nook and put it back in, he pulled the vent out of the dryer and that would explain the extreme heat, as well as red lint everywhere! UGH!
I have yet to hook up the dryer this evening, as it is a major undertaking of unplugging both the washer and dryer, moving the washer out, then the dryer, then pushing the dryer back in while hoping that the vent stays connected, then put the washer back in. It's a VERY small space! (again, I don't understand why anyone would build a laundry room to fit within inches of a regular sized washer and dryer!)
A few other things checked off my list today:
1. Move everything within 10 feet of the electrical box in the garage.
2. Prepare all the labels to mark what each breaker goes to.
3. Only to find out that once I actually got to the breaker box, all the breakers were already labeled!
HA! That's ok....it certainly beats turning on all electrical things in our house, Michael & I on our cell phones with each other, Michael flipping each breaker and me running around the house trying to figure out which light went out. Actually....that might have been quite fun :)
4. Purchased our double-locked medicine storage. Yes, we have to have all medications under double lock! How in the world do you do that? Well, a friend told me that they used a tool box as their first locked storage and then bought a locked cabinet and put it in their laundry room. We went with the tool box, bought a pad lock for it and then bought a filing cabinet with a lock and placed it in our closet. Works out pretty well, too, since we needed another filing cabinet!
5. Changed the air filters! This isn't part of the inspections but they certainly needed to be done.
I was still hoping to get a few other things marked off my list today, but that's ok....there's always tomorrow! Here's hoping that the A/C guy shows up this time!
p.s. Michael & I had a wonderful time in Hot Springs and took lots of pictures (will upload soon). It was great to just get away and relax. It was hot but beautiful. We definitely want to return...maybe in the fall when it's cooler.
Posted by Court at 7:39 PM 0 Had Something To Say
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Off for some R&R
Yes, I'm still doing laundry. Yes, I still need to finish packing the bags. Yes, I organized the CDs in the order that we would be listening to them a week ago :)
Michael & I are excited about our trip to Hot Springs, Arkansas. We'll be heading out bright and early tomorrow morning(actually, it will be dark and early) ~ it's about a 6 hour drive....so not too bad.
We've rented a condo on Lake Hamilton and we are so excited to be out of Houston, away from work and getting a break from the adoption process ~ even if for just a few days.
I'll be sure to post some pictures of our time away when we get back. In the meantime, hope life is good for you all!
Posted by Court at 8:49 PM 1 Had Something To Say
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
After many phone calls....
we finally got our 2 inspections scheduled for the Fire Marshall. The A/C guy and plumber will be out on Monday to do their inspections. It really was incredible how much people wanted to charge for their services. Now granted, if something were actually WRONG, then ok...but nothing's wrong with our A/C unit and we don't have a gas leak. In any event, we have to have it done and it do any good to complain about it. However, after all that we've gone through, I have decided that on my much needed vacation next week, that I am going to take the time to write the people that have been elected to represent me and offer up my thoughts on the whole foster care system and the process that goes along with adoption. That's what they're there for, right?!
On another note, we have had no response from our agency and are feeling really left out in limbo. A few people that we have met along the way, who have already gone through the system, have suggested that we contact another agency to possibly transfer our file. I'm not sure what all is involved in that, however, I do know that everything that we've done to date would be the same, regardless of the agency. We're just praying about what to do, as we don't want to delay anythign any longer.
Michael & I leave on Thursday for a much needed vacation. Just a time to get away, relax and not be overwhelmed with the process of everything. Plus, who knows, when the next time will be that we can actually go somewhere alone for more than a day?! So, we're taking advantage of the time now.
We'll keep you posted on how things progress as we know more. We love you guys and appreciate your friendships and encouragement along our journey.
Posted by Court at 2:08 PM 1 Had Something To Say
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
One step forward....two steps back
As I've mentioned before, we have to get our house inspected by the Fire Marshall's office for our adoption. Yesterday, I dropped off our application and fee (yes, we have to pay for it) and they said that they'd give us a call in a week or so to schedule a time for the inspection. The timing was good, as Michael & I are taking a week off from work to go on a little vacation as well as have a few days around the house to get things (like this) done.
This morning, the Fire Marshall's office called to schedule our inspection! YAY! Are you kidding? Finally....something in a timely manner.
But wait....he proceeded to tell us what we had to have done to PASS the inspection, to include having a licensed plumber perform a gas inspection on the house, have our A/C unit tested by a licensed A/C inspector, have our electrical box labeled for each switch for each location (as well as nothing around it within a 3 foot radius) and if we have an attic pull-down door (which of course, we do), have a specific locking latch attached to it (which, of course, we do not have)....JUST to name a few things. There are actually 30+ items that have to be done for them to sign off on the house inspection.
Ok....1 step forward.....the Fire Marshall's office is ready to perform the inspection. 2 steps backwards - # 1: After calling around, the gas inspection is looking to cost anywhere from $300-$1000! #2: A/C unit testing is anywhere from $75 - $150.
Sometimes I feel like this journey is a lot like the classic game of Chutes & Ladders....
We're not worried with whether or not the house will pass, as it's only 2 years old. While we want our children to live in a safe house (the reason we moved this year!), it's somewhat difficult for us to understand why there are so many rules, regulations, tests, and inspections when we're the ones trying to help. I just wonder what would happen if every family that brought home a biological child, if their homes would pass inspection? I doubt it! I've had friends tell me that their houses wouldn't pass and can't believe that we have to go through all this.
While it's all worth it in the end, it would be nice if all of the costs of doing these things were somehow paid for by the State, since we are adopting these children from the foster care system. Please don't get me wrong....I know that you can't put a price on building your family. It's just that sometimes all of the red-tape and bureaucracy gets to be a bit much to handle.
In the meantime, we will press on, schedule the appointments, pay the fees for the services provided and pass the Fire Marshall's inspection of our home; all the while, praying that our little ones are safe and healthy while they're away from us.
*Update on caseworker: still waiting.
Posted by Court at 10:22 AM 1 Had Something To Say